· Soil formation: weathering and pedogenesis
· Soil and subsurface environment
· Soil profile and its layers
· Soil properties-physical (density, porosity, texture, soil structure), chemical (inorganic and organic)
· Soil types in India
Collection and preparation of soil samples for analysis: sampling procedure, preparation of sample for analysis-drying, seiving, grinding, mixing, storing
o Soil nitrogen – forms, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, factors affecting nitrogen fixation
o Soil phosphorus - forms, mechanism of phosphorus fixation, factors affecting phosphorus availability in soils
o Soil potassium - forms, mechanism of potassium fixation, factors affecting the potassium fixation in soils
o Micronutrients – Source of micronutrients in soils; factors affecting their availability
[1] https://biotech.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/paper-iv-soil-science-and-sustainable-agriculture-advanced-paper-ii
[2] https://biotech.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2019-2020