History and scope of Toxicology
1. Environmental Toxicology
2. Economic Toxicology
3. Forensic Toxicology
Different areas of Toxicology
Classification of Toxic Agents
Disposition of Toxicants
Mechanisms of Toxicity
· Delivery
· Absorption
· Distribution
· Excretion
· Cellular Dysfunctions and resultant toxicities
· Repair or Dysrepair
Biotransformation of Xenobiotics
· Phase I Enzymes (Hydrolysis, Reduction, Oxidation
Phase II Enzyme Reactions (Glucuronidation, Sulfation, Methylation, Acelylation, Amino-acid conjugation Glutathione Conjugation, Phosphorylation )
Target Organ Toxicity
Physicochemical nature & Effect of Toxic Agen
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Toxicants
Non-Organ-Directed Toxicity
Genetic Toxicology
Environmental Toxicology
Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecotoxicology
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[1] https://biotech.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/paper-iii-toxicology-advance-paper-i-5
[2] https://biotech.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2021-2022