The objectives of this course are to provide hands-on training in basic experiments of plant and animal biotechnology.
1. Preparation of media.
2. Aseptic techniques in PTC
3. Explant inoculation- Leaf, Node.
4. Embryo culture
5. Raising virus free plants with meristem culture.
6. Callus induction
7. Protoplast isolation by mechanical and enzymatic method and fusion using PEG.
8. Synthetic seed preparation
9. Haploid production using anthers and pollen of Datura stromanium.
10. Hemocytometry (Cell Count) to check animal cell viability
11. Cytotoxicity in animal cell culture
12. Monitor and measure doubling time of animal cells.
13. Visualization of GFP transfected cells
14. Any other practical based on theory syllabus