The aim of this course is to provide practical training in bioinformatic methods including accessing major public sequence databases, use of different computational tools to find sequences, analysis of protein and nucleic acid sequences by various software packages
1. Using NCBI and Uniprot web resources.
2. Introduction and use of various genome databases.
3. Sequence information resource: Using NCBI, EMBL, Genbank, Entrez Swissprot/ TrEMBL, UniProt.
4. Similarity searches using tools like BLAST and interpretation of results.
5. Multiple sequence alignment using ClustalW.
6. Phylogenetic analysis of protein and nucleotide sequences.
7. Use of gene prediction methods (GRAIL, Genscan, Glimmer).
8. Using RNA structure prediction tools.
9. Use of various primer designing and restriction site prediction tools.
10. Use of different protein structure prediction databases (PDB, SCOP, CATH).
11. Construction and study of protein structures using Deepview/PyMol.
12. Homology modelling of proteins.
13. Use of tools for mutation and analysis of the energy minimization of protein structures.
Use of miRNA prediction, designing and target prediction tools.