This paper will enable students to- • understand aseptic techniques • learn classification and structure of microorganisms • have an idea about microbial growth and factors affecting it • understand fermentation technology and learn it’s industrial applications
Development of Microbiology (contribution of pioneers). Concept of sterilization, methods of sterilization-dry heat, wet heat, radiation, filtration and chemicals.
Introduction to different types of microbes: bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa structure of bacterial cell- cell membrane, cell wall, flagella and motility, cell inclusion bodies, Sporulation in bacteria.
Nutritional classification of Microorganisms.
General concepts of industrial microbiology-raw materials used in media production, basic design of a bioreactor; CSTR and Fluidized bed fermentor
Modes of fermentation- batch, continuous and fed batch.
Industrial enzymes-amylases, and production of antibiotics-penicillin, amino acid production- glutamic acid, vitamins-riboflavin, industrial alcohol
1. General Microbiology, C B Powar, H F Dagniwala, Himalayan Publication House, 1996 2. Industrial Microbiology, E Casida, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers. 2005 3. Microbiology, 5th edition M J Pelcer, E C S Chan, N R Kreig, Tata Mc Graw Publication, 2006 4. Microbiology-a Laboratory Manual, 6th edition, J G Cappuccino and N Sherman, Addison Wesley, Pearson education, Inc., 2006
1. Biology of Microorganisms, 10th edition, T D Brock, M T Madigan, Pearson education, Inc., 2003 2. Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology, Mansi & Bryce, Taylor & Francis group, 2002 3. Frontiers in Microbial Technology, 1st edition, P S Bisen , CBS Publishers, 1994 4. General Microbiology, R Y Stanier, J L Ingharam, M L Wheelies, P R Painter Mac Millan Education Ltd, 1999 5. Microbiology Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd edition, R M Atlas, Maxwell Macmillan International editions, 1989 6. Principles of Fermentation Technology, 2nd edition, P F Stanbory, Whitaker and Hall, Elsevier India, 2005