· Understand classification and structure of viruses.
· Understand viral multiplication in host cells.
· Study general features of Algae, Fungi and Protozoa
Virus classification schemes of ICTV / ICNV. Morphology and ultra-structure of viruses; capsids & their arrangements; envelops and their composition, viral genome, their types and structures; virus related agents (viroids, prions).
Bacterial viruses (Bacteriophages): structural organization, multiplication, Mechanism of adsorption, entry into host cell, genome replication. One step growth curve, Lytic and Lysogenic cycle.
Plant viruses: multiplication of plant viruses
An Introduction to fungi- General features of fungi, Classification of fungi, according to Alexopoulous and Mims(1979). General characteristics of the following groups of Fungi, Oomycets, Zygomyetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes.
Economic importance of Fungi.
An introduction to Algae. Modern classification of algae, General characteristics of the following groups of Algae: Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Pyrrophyceae and Diatoms.
Economic importance of algae.
Lichens- Structural organization, economic importance
Occurrence of protozoa, classification of protozoa, Morphology, reproduction (asexual and sexual reproduction in Paramecium)
Characteristics and importance of some major Protozoans- Amoeba, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma.
1. Virology-3rd Edition, Conrat HF, Kimball PC and Levy JA. Prentice Hall, Englewood cliff, New Jersey1994.
2. Functionals of plant virology- Mathews,RE.Academic press,San Diego.1992
3. Principles of microbiology- Ronald M.Atlas. Mosby Year Book, Inc. Missouri 63146. 1985.
4. An Introduction to Mycology, Mehrotra RS and Aneja KR, New Age International Publishers, 1990
5. Fundamentals of Fungi, Moore E., Landeeker, Prentice Hall.
6. Microbiology ,5th edition M J Pelczar, E C S Chan, N R Kreig, Tata Mc Graw Publication, 2006
Plant viruses- Kenneth M.Smith.Universal Book Stall,New Delhi.1999
[1] https://biotech.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/microbiology-8
[2] https://biotech.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2015-2016