Aseptic Technique Audit

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology


Title of the event:       Aseptic Technique Audit     

Type of Event:           Activity          

Date(s):                       14-20 October 2024                                       

Venue:                        Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology      


Name of Resource person (if any) with designation, address, email address & contact no.:


Speaker's Name

Speaker's Designation

Institutional Address

Email address

Contact no.








No. of Participants/Beneficiaries:                Students who conducted Audit: 05

Name of the activity Coordinator:               Dr. Charu Sharma

Name of Collaborating Agency (if any) with address & contact no.: NA

Objectives of the activity:

The primary goal of the aseptic technique audit was to evaluate and reinforce the proper implementation of sterile practices among students, ensuring the integrity of experiments, maintaining laboratory safety, and preparing students for professional environments requiring stringent microbiological practices.



Aseptic Technique Audit was conducted by students of M.Sc. Biotechnology. These students were initially briefedabout the fundamental principles and importance of aseptic techniques. This included proper handwashing, sterilization of tools, maintaining a sterile workspace, and correctly handling culture media. In the audit process, these students were divided in to groups and were asked to observe the students of B.Sc and M.Sc. microbiology and biotechnology that performed regular laboratory experiments included in their curriculum. A predefined checklist was used to assess critical aspects of aseptic technique. Individual observations were recorded for each class. The maximum students were observed to follow aseptic techniques and followed proper guidelines. They sanitized their hands and work bench before and after the experiments was performed. The culture media was handled and transferred properly. Some of the common errors reported were: Inadequate flame exposure for loops and needles, Failure to maintain sterile zones while working, talking while working in laminar air flow and inappropriate transfer of cultures.

Outcome of the activity:

The aseptic technique audit highlighted the overall competence of students while identifying areas for improvement. The activity proved effective in enhancing students’ awareness, skills, and confidence in maintaining sterility.On the basis of audit, following recommendations are proposed to improve the standards:

  • Periodic refresher sessions and Hands-on practice sessions should be incorporated at regular time intervals for students.
  • Importance of aseptic practices should be emphasized in all classes for preventing contamination and ensuring experimental success.

