Field visit to Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute (RARI), Durgapura

Title of the event:  Field visit to Rajasthan Agricultural Research   Institute (RARI), Durgapura


Type of Event: Field and laboratory visit     

Date:               16 th October 2023               

Venue:            Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute, Durgapura          

Name of Resource person (if any) with designation, address, email address & contact no.:


Speaker's Name

Speaker's Designation

Institutional Address

Email address

Contact no.







No. of Participants/Beneficiaries (Teaching/Non-teaching/Students to be mentioned separately): 21

Name of Collaborating Agency (if any) with address & contact no.: NA

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity:

1. To apprise students of the various agricultural practices and crops

2. To expose students to common pathology and pest related diseases in the state of Rajasthan

3. To make students more aware of the problems faced by the farmers and sensitize to the problems.

Summary/Description: On the 16th October, 2023 Department of microbiology and biotechnology along with botany department organised a field and laboratory visit to the Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute (RARI), Durgapura, Jaipur . We sincerely pay our gratitude and thank you to Dr AS Baloda, Director RARI for providing our students this learning opportunity .The fifth semester and post- graduate students learnt and assimilated the latest research happening at the premier agricultural institute . The visit to the weed museum , white grub museum and the ATKC , agricultural technology knowledge centre compelled students to learn and be inspired with the agricultural and allied sciences. Overall the visit was inspirational and invigorating for all the 19  students  from department of microbiology and biotechnology and the faculty who accompanied them . The visit was coordinated by Dr Shewane Bishnoi , Assistant professor research ( microbiology and biotechnology) and Dr Kalpna Aggarwal , Associate Professor (Botany ) .The students visited the Gyan Kendra For Plants where they learnt about the diverse botanical species and nematodes also. The students saw the seed germinator machine. A seed germinator is a device used to test the germination rate of seeds. It provides the ideal conditions for seeds to grow, such as moisture, temperature, and light. By using a seed germinator, one can determine the viability of seeds and predict their growth potential. To perform a germination test, one should first select a batch of seeds and count them. Then, a portion of the seeds should be placed in the germinator with a specific growing medium, such as soil or paper towels. The germinator should be set to the optimal temperature and moisture level for the type of seed being tested. After a designated period of time, the seeds should be checked for signs of growth. The germination rate can then be calculated by dividing the number of seeds that have sprouted by the total number of seeds tested. A high germination rate indicates that the seeds are healthy and of good quality, while a low germination rate suggests the opposite. Overall, a germination test is a crucial step in the process of planting and growing seeds. By using a seed germinator, one can ensure that their seeds are viable and will have the best chance of success The Weed Museum showcases a collection of 100 preserved weed crops. Visitors can earn   about the history and uses of each weed specimen on display. The museum offers unique opportunity to explore the diverse world of weeds and their importance in various industries. Some of the preserved weeds on display include: 1. Cannabis sativa - commonly known as marijuana, used for medicinal and recreational purposes. 2. Nicotiana tabacum - the plant used to produce cigarettes and other tobacco products. 3. Papaver somniferum - the source of opium, used for pain relief.4. Digitalis purpurea - used to produce the heart medication, digoxin. 5. Cannabis ruderalis - a lesser-known strain of marijuana that is high in CBD and used for medicinal purposes. Each weed specimen was   labelled with its name, origin, and uses. The museum also had informative displays and interactive exhibits that allows visitors to learn more about different weed species and their impact on society. If you're interested in learning about the fascinating world of weeds, the BJRA Weed Museum is definitely worth a visit.

Overall, the students imbibed a lot from this visit and learnt about various agricultural crops and nematodes along with novel techniques used to mitigate biotic and abiotic stresses.

Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: Participants were benefitted in variety of ways like:

  1. Field exposure to students to various crops
  2. Laboratory exposure to insect lab, germination chamber and physiology lab
  3. Visit to the weed museum that had a collection of weeds from across the country
  4. Visit to white grub museum that had a collection of white grub
  5. Bio-control of various plant pests of Rajasthan


