This paper will enable students to:
Introduction, food fermentation, the science and technology. Fermented foods (Soya sauce, bread, Sauerkraut, idly), fermented beverages (wine, Beer)
Sources of Milk contamination and their control
Microbiology of raw and pasteurized milk, Biochemical changes in fermented milk. (Fermentation of lactose to lactic acid, hydrolysis of proteins and lipid).
Study of spoilage organisms in dairy industry.
Introduction to Probiotics
Classification of various groups of microorganisms associated with dairy industry
Acid fermented milks (Yoghurt, Cultured butter milk).
Starter cultures for fermented dairy products (Streptococcus thermophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus,).
Cheese- (Milk, microorganisms, enzymes and other additives). Cheese production: steps involved in manufacture of cheese, preservation, classification and nutritional aspects.
General Principle underlying spoilage: Chemical changes caused by micro organisms. Spoilage of different kinds of foods (Cereals, sugar products, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, canned foods)
Food preservation by Radiations (UV, Gamma and microwave), Food preservation by low and high Temperature, Chemical preservation and naturally occurring antimicrobials. Quality assurance: Microbiological quality standards of food. Government regulatory practices and policies – FDA (Food and Drug Administration), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), HACCP (Hazard Analysis and critical control points), ISI(Indian Standard Institute)