Guest Lecture on Importance of IPR in the field of Biotechnology and Related Subjects.

Title of the event: Importance of IPR in the field of biotechnology and related subjects

Type of Event:           Guest lecture  

Date:                          15th February 2022    

Venue:                       MS team Platform

Name of Resource person (if any) with designation, address, email address & contact no.:


Speaker's Name

Speaker's Designation

Institutional Address

Email address

Contact no.


Pankaj Kumar

Assistant Professor& the IPR Coordinator, Innovation Ambassador

Gurukul Marg, SFS Manasarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020


No. of Participants/Beneficiaries (Teaching/Non-teaching/Students to be mentioned separately): 23(students)+5(faculty)

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity:

  1. To sensitize the participants on IPR including its introduction & the importance

  2. To create awareness on the IPR linkages with the field of biotechnology and related subjects

  3. To create awareness on career opportunities on IPR particularly the scope for bio-students in the field of patent


The Lecture started with Introduction & the importance of IPR and more particularly the patent. Further, the patent linkages with the field of biotechnology and related subjects have been discussed including the patentability criteria in details. Additionally the career opportunities on IPR particularly the scope for bio-students in the field of patent have been shared and information for some of the employment options like patent agent, patent analyst, patent draft-person, patent facilitator etc, have been disseminated.

Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: Participants were benefitted in variety of ways like:

  1. They became aware on IPR and its various types
  2. Participants will be able to differentiate between property and intellectual property.
  3. To enable them to differentiate various IP and the concern IPR
  4. Participants understood the various IPR including its importance
  5. They became aware on the IPR linkages with the field of biotechnology and related subjects
  6. They became aware on career opportunities on IPR particularly the scope for bio-students in the field of patent


