Orientation Programme on 29.08.2024

Title of the event: Orientation Programme

Type of Event:           Orientation Programme          

Date:                           29th August 2024       

Venue:                        Ojas Hall

Name of Resource person (if any) with designation, address, email address & contact no.: NA

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries: 23 Students

Name of the activity Coordinator: Dr. Sreemoyee Chatterjee

Name of Collaborating Agency (if any) with address & contact no.: NA

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity:

  1. To acclimate and ease their Transition in discipline and University
  2. To acquaint them with Discipline, course structure, Practices and faculty members
  3. To acquaint them with components of CA and question paper pattern
  4. To acquaint them with the different laboratories and equipment available in the discipline


The orientation of UG and PG students of biotechnology and microbiology was held on 29th August, 2024. New students were welcomed by the faculty members and senior students by Tiak-Moli. The presentation for the orientation was delivered by Dr Radhika Sharma. She introduced all the faculty members of the discipline in terms of their experience and expertise. The course structure was explained along with the credits and their relation to marks. The components of CA, question paper pattern of exams and assessment system was described in detail.The wide variety of online library resources available in the university and their use was also covered in the presentation. The time table was shown and explained to students. They were acquainted with the different laboratories and equipment available in the discipline which will be used by themin class practical and research work. They were briefed about taking up student research projects announced by the university and publish their articles in science spectrum and JOST.  

It was also briefed that the discipline regularly conducts workshops, seminars, guest lectures, visits for making students aware of the recent trends in the subject. Dr Radhika Sharma emphasized that apart from attending classes, the past batches of students were also involved in many extra-curricular activities. A few examples from past years were also shown to students. She had also asked students to continue this tradition of participation in both academic and cultural activities in coming years too. 

The website of the discipline and its navigation to reach different sectionwas shown to students. The syllabi on the website were also shown and students were explained about the concept of programme outcomes and learning outcomes. The were made to understand what is expected to be practicedand learned at end of completing a course as well as programme after three/two years of their degree.Different career prospects available to students after completing theirdegree course were described along with names of the top recruiters like Pfizer, Cadila, Cipla, Biocon, Reliance life sciences. Qualifications required, position and salary packages of some companies were also shown. Few advertisements related to new and recent vacancies were also projected.

After presentation, students were engaged in activities like quiz and games which was based on the concepts covered in presentation to check the extent of their understanding.  The PhD scholars were involved in conducting the orientation, they prepared a short video of all the different types of activities (both curricular and extracurricular) that were organized in past years to show the extent of involvement of students and faculty in the discipline. The following well-placed students attended and talked about the nature and extent of support provided by the University and discipline to take their career forward.

  • Dr Sakshi Patel, Young intern at Pollution control board, Jaipur
  • Ms. Monisha Singhal Post Doc fellow at National Meat Research, Hyderabad

It was followed by an online interactive session with alumni Ms.Harshita Uchenia. She had done her PG in biotechnology from the University after which she pursued her MS and now persuing her PhD from USA. She talked to students and explained them the role played by the discipline, its resources and faculty members in initiating the journey of her success and also briefed them about the career waiting for them ahead.

After the orientation session, the students were served snacks and then taken to visit the rooms and labs that will help them to localize themselves for different classes and practical. 

After the orientation session, feedback was taken from all the students on Google form, on the basis of which a feedback report was prepared and analyzed. Overall, the session was conducted quite well and new students were overwhelmed to be in the department.

Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: Participants were benefitted in variety of ways like:

  1. They became aware on components of CA, question paper pattern of exams and assessment system
  2. They were acquainted with course structure was explained along with the credits and their relation to marks.
  3. To enable them about taking up student research projects announced by the university and publish their articles in science spectrum and JOST
  4. They became aware on the wide variety of online library resources available in the university and their use
  5. They were acquainted with the different laboratories and equipment available in the discipline which will be used by them in class practical and research work. 

