Historical background of microorganisms in food, Role and significance of microbes in food, common genera of bacteria and fungi commonly found in foods. Intrinsic and Extrinsic factor affecting growth of microbes in food. Concept of rhizosphere and rhizoplane.
Spoilage of different groups of food : Cereal and Cereal products, vegetables and fruits, meat and meat products, eggs and poultry, milk and milk products, canned foods. Food born infections and intoxications, general methods of diagnosis, Indicator organisms- their role and significance.
Symptoms of plant diseases, Mechanism of microbial pathogenicty, Transmission of plant pathogens, Bacterial, Fungal, Viral and Viroid diseases of plants.
Definition and types of biofertilizers, Mass cultivation and methods of inoculation of microbial inoculants – (Rhizobium, Azatobacter, & Asospirillium.)Cyanobacteria – Azolla – Anabaena association and its role in rice cultivationVAM mycorrhizal association, Types of mycorrhizal association, Isolation, stock plants and inoculum production of VAM .
Microbiology, Pelczar and Reid. Mc. Graw Hill Book Company, New York. 2006
Food Microbiology, Adam and Moss, New Age International (P) Ltd 1995
Principles of Microbiology, Mosby – Year Book, Inc., USA 1995