Paper Code: 
MBL 321
Contact Hours: 

to enable students to-

  • To learn about normal microbial flora of body and establishment of pathogenesis.
  • To know about different types of diseases caused by bacteria
  • To know about viral diseases of humans.
  • To learn about chemotherapy and vaccines.


Unit I: 
Normal micro flora and factors responsible for pathogenesis

Classification of medically important micro organisms; Normal microbial flora of human body; role of the resident flora.

Entry of pathogens into the host; colonization and mechanism of bacterial adhesion establishment, spreading, tissue damage and anti-phagocytic factors; factors predisposing to infections, types of toxins and their structure; mode of action.


Unit II: 
Pathogenic bacteria-I

Diagnostic features of important diseases including their pathogenecity and control

Pyogenic cocci- Staphylococci, Streptococci, Neisseria meningitides, N. gonococcus

Gram positive cocci- Clostridium tetani

Mycobacteria- M. tuberculosis, M. leprae


Unit III: 
Pathogenic bacteria II, Fungi and Protozoan

Enteric Gram negative bacteria- Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholera, E. coli

Spirochaetes- Treponema palladium

Chlamydiae- Trachoma, Rickettesial diseases, Diseases caused by Mycoplasma,

Pathogenic fungi- Candida albicans

Protozoan diseases – Malaria, Amoebiasis


Unit IV: 
Viral diseases

Animal viruses Epidemiology, life cycle, pathogenicity, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of RNA viruses- Picorna virus family- Poliomyelitis, Orthomyxoviruses- influenza, Paramyxoviruses- Mumps, Measles, HIV; DNA viruses; Pox virus- Variola and Vaccina, Herpes virus- Varicella Zoster virus, Hepatitis viruses, Arthropod borne (arbo) Viral disease- Dengu 

Unit V: 
Chemotherapy and Antimicrobial agents

Mode of action of penicillin, cephalosporin, quinonoles, Sulfa drugs, streptomycin, tetracycline and other broad spectrum antibiotics, antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Antifungal drugs, antiviral drugs. 

Laboratory control of antimicrobial therapy; various methods of drug susceptibility testing. Brief account on available vaccines and Schedules; passive prophylactic measures. Viral vaccines (conventional vaccines, genetic recombinant vaccines used in national immunization programmes with example, newer generation vaccines including DNA vaccines with examples)


  1. Bacterial Pathogenesis. A Molecular Approach, A A Salyers and D D Whitt, ASM Press, 1994
  2. Functionals of plant virology- Mathews, RE. Academic press, San Diego.1992
  3. Instant Notes Medical Microbiology, Irving W, Boswell T, Ala Aldeen D, Taylor and Francis group, 2005
  4. Medical virology- Morag C and Timbury M.C. X Edition. Churchill Livingstone, London. 1994
  5. Microbiology A Human Perspective, Nester E.W., Roberts CE, Nester MT, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1995.
  6. Review of Medical Microbiology (13th edition), Jawetz E., Melnik J.L., Adelberg E. A., Lanze Medical Publications, 1976
  7. Text book of Microbiology, R Ananthnarayanan and C K J Paniker, Orient Longman, 1997


  1. Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, Baron EJ, Peterson LR and Finegold SM, Mosby, 1990
  2. Diagnostic procedures for viral and Rickettsial diseases.american public Health association, NY. Lennetter1984
  3. Medical Microbiology and Immunology: Examination and Board Review (7th edition), Warren Levinson and Ernst Jawetz, Mc Graw Hill, 2002
  4. Medical Microbiology vol. 1 Microbial infection, vol;2 Practical Medical microbiology, Churchill Livingstone, 1996
  5. Plant Diseases of viral, viroid, Mycoplasma and uncertain etiology- Karl.Maramarosch. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta
  6. Plant Pathology- Agrios, G. N. Academic Press. 1997
  7. Plant viruses- Kenneth M.Smith.Universal Book Stall, New Delhi.1999


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