Paper Code: 
MBL 201
Contact Hours: 

This paper will enable students:

  • To have an insight in to history of microbiology
  • To study different types of classification systems
  • To understand the structure of bacterial cell
  •  To study salient features of different bacterial groups
Unit I: 
Discovering the microbial world

Leeuwenhoek’s discovery of microorganisms, theory of abiogenesis and biogenesis, Germ theory of fermentation, Germ theory of diseases.

Unit II: 
Classification of microorganisms

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell structure:                                               

Levels of classification, Haeckels three kingdom concept, Whittakers five kingdom concept, three domain concept of Carl Woese and major characters of primary domains.

Unit III: 
Form and function of bacteria: Internal structure

Bacterial shapes and arrangement, cell membrane, cell wall of bacteria, inclusion bodies, flagella, capsule, slime, fimbriae, and pilli.

Bacterial endospores- structure, formation and germination.

Unit IV: 
The world of Bacteria- I

A brief outline of Salient features of major bacterial groups according to Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology Volume 1 and 2 with names of two examples from each of the group as mentioned under:


“Ordinary” Gram negative Eubacteria

(1)The spirochetes (2) Aerobic/ microaerophilic, motile, helical/ vibroid, Gram negative bacteria. (3)Non motile (or rarely motile) Gram negative curved bacteria.

(4)Aerobic Gram negative Rods and Cocci (5) Facultative anaerobic Gram negative Rods (6) Anaerobic Gram negative straight, curved and helical Rods. (7)Dissimilatory sulfate or sulfur reducing bacteria

(8)Anaerobic Gram negative Cocci (9) The Rickettsias and Chlamydia

(10)The Mycoplasmas (11) Endosymbionts.


“Ordinary” Gram positive Eubacteria

(1)Gram positive Cocci (2) Endospore forming Gram positive bacteria (3)Nonsporeforming Gram positive Rods of regular shape (4) Nonsporeforming Gram positive Rods of irregular shape. (5)Mycobacterium (6)Nocardioforms.

Unit V: 
The world of Bacteria- II

A brief outline of Salient features of major bacterial groups according to Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology Volume 3 and 4 with names of two examples from each of the group as mentioned under:


Bacteria with unusual properties

(1)Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (2) Oxygenic phototrophic bacteria

(3)Gliding fruiting and non fruiting bacteria. (4)The sheathed bacteria

(5)Budding and/ or appendaged bacteria (6)Chempolithotrophic bacteria



Gram positive filamentous bacteria of complex morphology

(1) filamentous bacteria that divide in more than one plane (2) filamentous bacteria that form true sporangia (3) streptomyces and other similar genera (4) additional filamentous bacteria having uncertain taxonomic placement

  1. Microbiology ,5th edition M J Pelczar, E C S Chan, N R Kreig, Tata Mc Graw Publication, 2006
  2. Microbiology-a Laboratory Manual, 6th edition, J G Cappuccino and N Sherman, Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, Inc., 2006
  3. Microbiology-an introduction, 9th edition G.J. Tortora, B.R. Funke, C.L. Case Pearson Education, Inc., 2007
  1. General Microbiology, R Y Stanier, J L Ingharam, M L Wheelies, P R Painter, Mac Millan Education Ltd, 1999
  2. Laboratory fundamentals of microbiology, I E Alcamo, Jones and Barlett Publishers, 2001
  3. Microbiology , 6th edition, Prescott, Harley, Klein, Mc Graw Hill Companies, 2005
  4. Microbiology Fundamentals and Applications ,2nd edition, R M Atlas, Maxwell Macmillan International Edition, 1989
Academic Year: