This paper will enable students to:
Biochemical properties of membrane, biochemical factors regulating the permeability, Nerst equation. Osmosis, Plasmolysis, passive & facilitated diffusion, active transport, secondary active transport, group translocation across membrane, role of ionophores.
Photosynthetic microbes, oxygenic & anoxygenic photosynthesis, photophosphorylation, Calvin cycle.
Glycolysis, Oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, Entner- Doudoroff pathway, fermentative pathways, Yeast fermentation, Lactic acid fermentation, Acetic acid fermentation, Krebs cycle, ETC, oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation.
Biological nitrogen fixation: process, components of nitrogenase system, oxygen sensitivity of nitrogenase enzyme, Nitrogen fixation in symbiotic and free living systems, Nitrate assimilation, transamination and deamination reactions.
Hydrogen bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, sulfur bacteria, Iron bacteria, Methanogens and Methylotrophs.