Paper Code: 
MBL 329
Contact Hours: 

Course Outcomes (COs):

Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Upon completion of the course the learner will:

CO 145: Formulate a scientific question

CO 146: Present scientific approach to solve the problem

CO 147: Interpret, discuss and communicate scientific results in written form

CO 148: Gain experience in writing a scientific proposal

CO 149: Learn how to present and explain their research findings to the audience effectively

Discussion, Literature search, Journal and database curation, visits to library, Microsoft word and power point skills,

Seminar presentation

Continuous Assessment

Semester End Exam




Project Proposal Preparation

Selection of research lab and research topic: Students should first select a lab wherein they would like to pursue their dissertation. The supervisor or senior researchers should be able to help the students to read papers in the areas of interest of the lab and help them select a topic for their project. The topic of the research should be hypothesis driven.

Review of literature: Students should engage in systematic and critical review of appropriate and relevant information sources and appropriately apply qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation processes to original data; keeping in mind ethical standards of conduct in the collection and evaluation of data and other resources.

Writing Research Proposal: With the help of the senior researchers, students should be able to discuss the research questions, goals, approach, methodology, data collection, etc. Students should be able to construct a logical outline for the project including analysis steps and expected outcomes and prepare a complete proposal in scientific proposal format for dissertation

Poster Presentation

Students will have to present the topic of their project proposal after a few months of their selection of the topic. They should be able to explain the novelty and importance of their research topic.

Oral Presentation

At the end of their project, a presentation will have to be given by the students to explain work done by them in detail. Along with summarizing their findings they should also be able to discuss the future expected outcome of their work


Academic Year: