Paper Code: 
BTE 321
Contact Hours: 

This course will enable the students to –


  1. Develop skills for review of literature and formulation of research problem
  2. Understand the process of formation of methodology for research work
  3. The students will choose a topic of their interest and do a literature survey and compile information with latest update and also find gaps or lacunae to plan for next series of experiments to be conducted to fill the gaps as a major research project.
  4. The students will acquire skill to write, compile and analyze data and present the detailed technical or scientific report.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BTE 321



Review Report


Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

CO 56: Critically analyze the research papers

CO 57: Acquire the skills in paper writing and getting it published.

CO 58: Acquire presentation skills


Approach in teaching:

Discussion,  Reading assignments

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation

Continuous Assessment

Semester End Exam



The review report of M.Sc. III semester will be based on a detailed review of any one of the topics listed in syllabus in about 100 pages. This review will be evaluated by a supervisor, Head of the Department and any other person appointed by the Principal.


Academic Year: