Milk is the most common source of nutrition which is consumed on daily basis in every household. Adulterants if any, present in the milk can cause considerable damage to liver and kidney. In order to check the milk quality, a milk testing booth was set up in the campus outside the D-Block on 24 March, 2017. Students and faculty members were requested to bring milk raw (unboiled) milk samples (200 ml) consumed daily by them. A total of about 36 milk samples were tested which belonged to both pasteurized milk of regularly used brands like Amul, Lotus, Mother dairy, Gorus, Sarasetc as well as milk sold by local vendors of different areas. Students tested the presence of water, sucrose, starch, ammonium sulphate, acid, soap and formalin in the collected samples and generated report which was given to the participants on 25 March 2017. It was found that approximately 14% of the samples were containing residues of acid and about 6% contained formalin. Excess of water was found in about 20% of the samples. However, the presence of other adulterants was not detected in any of the samples collected.
Impact or outcome of the activity on the participants-This activity created interest of students in simple laboratory exercises and made them learn about the different tests which can be easily conducted in the laboratory for determining the quality of milk samples.
Feedback of the participants-Faculty members and student enthusiastically participated and bought the milk samples purchased from dairy or from local vendors. An awareness was generated when the reports of milk quality testing was handed to them. Some of them decided to use the milk brands which were of better quality.