International conference on ‘Nextgen Genomics, Biology, Bioinformatics And Technologies’ was held from Sep 30th to Oct 2nd , 2018 at Fairmont, Jaipur, India. The conference was attended by research scholars of Biotechnology along with Dr. Sreemoyee Chatterjee and Dr. Radhika Sharma. This was the eight edition of their international conference series. Their tradition of offering a combination of academic content along with the solutions from the industrial side continues to be a noteworthy example of public-private partnership. The conference was being organized by SGRF Conferences, the education wing of SciGenom Research Foundation (SGRF) along with several co-hosts. They had highly accomplished and renowned invited speakers with varied expertise from around the globe. Apart from discussing the cutting edge NGS technologies and their applications, they had focussed sessions on plant, animal, microbial and medical genomics. During these three days there were 15 keynote lectures from some of the thought leaders in the community. To encourage, educate and inspire the next generation of scholars, they offered 25 YUVA and 97 GYAN scholarships along with 5 projects by students and post-docs posters along with the opportunity to pitch their science to expert panel. They also gave Excellence in science award to Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Director of ICAR – National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources for his great contributions to Indian Science. There were talks about portable real time DNA sequencing, from single gene to genome sequencing, single cell RNA sequencing, Exome sequencing and many more interesting topics. Dr. Anu Acharya from Mapmygenome gave a talk about Pharmacogenomics, enlightening about a technique which analyzes an individuals’s drug- responce profile, based on genetic makeup. This was curated to identify the most reliable markers for every drug, especially in cases where multiple genes were linked with a single drug reaction. Prof. Krishna Mohan Medicherla from BISR gave a talk on WES analysis of congenital pouch colon probands. There was a symposium about Live and let live: snakebite cure and poster presentations as well. This highly interdisciplinary conference was very beneficial for everyone and the beautiful venue of the conference in the Jaipur City, surrounded by the Aravali hills just added some more goodness to it.