- Microtomy of liver/intestine
- Histochemical localistion of starch, lipids and protein in liver.
- Verification of Beer Lambert’s Law
- Estimation of protein by Folin Lowry method
- Estimation of protein by Biuret test
- Estimation of reducing sugar by DNSA method
- Estimation of sugar by Anthrone reagent
- Estimation of glycogen from the given tissue
- Estimation of cholesterol from the given tissue
- To study the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity
- To study the effect of temperature on enzyme activity
- To study the effect of pH on enzyme activity
- To assay the activity of acid phosphatase
- Separation and identification of amino acids by TLC
- Separation of protein by SDS-PAGE
- Demonstrations:
- Gel Filtration Chromatography
- Ion Exchange Chromatography
- Descending Paper Chromatography
- Column Chromatography
- Affinity Chromatography
- Western Blotting
- Preparation of liquid and solid media for growth of microorganisms.
- Isolation and maintenance of organisms by plating, streaking and serial dilution methods, slants and stab cultures, storage of microorganisms.
- Isolation of pure cultures from soil and water.
- Growth Kinetics, Effect of temperature, pH and carbon and nitrogen source on growth.
- Enumeration by standard plate count.
- Microscopic examination of bacteria, yeast and molds and study of organisms by Gram stain, Negative staining, staining for spores etc.
- Isolation of Rhizobia
- Isolation of Actinomycetes
- Biochemical characterization of selected microbes.
- Biostatistics exercises
- Operating systems (DOS)
- Information searching on Internet.
- Sequence retrievals form NCBI, Genbank, EMBL, DDBJ
Any other practical based on theory syllabus.