Paper Code: 
MBL 126
Contact Hours: 
  1. Preparation of liquid and solid media for growth of microorganisms.
  2. Pure culture techniques- streak plate method, pour plate method, spread plate method.
  3. Growth Kinetics, Effect of temperature, pH and carbon and nitrogen source on growth.
  4. Enumeration of bacteria: standard plate count.
  5. Microscopic examination of bacteria by simple staining, Gram stain, Negative staining, staining for spores etc.
  6. Hanging drop method to study motility in bacteria.
  7. study of culture characters of microorganisms
  8. Biochemical characterization of selected microbes.
  1. oxidation and fermentation tests
  2. catalase test
  3. oxidase test
  4. nitrate reduction test
  5. starch hydrolysis
  6. IMVIC
  7. H2S production test
  1. Estimation of protein in bacteria by Folin Lowry method
  2. Estimation of protein by Biuret test
  3. Estimation of reducing sugar by DNSA method
  4. Estimation of sugar in bacteria by Anthrone reagent
  5. To study the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity
  6. To study the effect of temperature on enzyme activity
  7. To study the effect of pH on enzyme activity
  8. To assay the activity of acid phosphatase
  9. Separation and identification of amino acids by TLC
  10. Separation of protein by SDS-PAGE
  11. Demonstrations:
    1. Gel Filtration Chromatography
    2. Ion Exchange Chromatography
    3. Adsorbtion  Chromatography
    4. Affinity Chromatography
    5. Blotting Techniques
  12. Biostatistics exercises
  13. Information searching on Internet.
  14. Sequence retrievals form NCBI, Genbank, EMBL, DDBJ

Any other practical based on theory syllabus.

Academic Year: