Laboratory III (Plant and Animal Biotechnology) (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 

The objectives of this course are to provide hands-on training in basic experiments of plant and animal biotechnology.


Course Outcomes: 



Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Course Code

Course Title



Laboratory Iii (Plant and Animal Biotechnology)




CO55:  Perform and analyze experiments related to plant tissue Culture and its applications

CO56:  Acquire skill in experiments related to animal cell Culture and applications  

CO 57: Apply the knowledge of cell and tissue culture in Biotechnology

CO58: Identify and illustrate the various elements of animal & plant cell cultures.

CO59: Discuss and defend the concepts of plant tissue culture and animal cell culture and illustrate the exercises performed with appropriate methods and outcomes and maintain proper documentation of the same.

CO60: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching:  Hands-on practical, demonstrations, simulations



Learning activities for the students:  Discussion,



Reading Journals




Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Experiments based on:


  1. Preparation of media.
  2. Aseptic techniques in PTC
  3. Explant inoculation- Leaf, Node.
  4. Embryo culture
  5. Raising virus free plants with meristem culture.
  6. Callus induction
  7. Protoplast isolation by mechanical and enzymatic method and fusion using PEG.
  8. Synthetic seed preparation
  9. Haploid production using anthers and pollen of Datura stromanium.
  10. Hemocytometry (Cell Count) to check animal cell viability
  11. Cytotoxicity in animal cell culture
  12. Monitor and measure doubling time of animal cells.
  13. Visualization of GFP transfected cells
  14. Any other practical based on theory syllabus


Academic Year: