Knowledge – characteristics and role in economic growth
Market for knowledge
o Incentives for creation of new knowledge
o Appropriation of knowledge: knowledge monopoly and its consequences
Basic forms of IPRs: Patent, copyright, trademark, industrial design
International organizations and Treaties (pre- TRIPs era): Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Rome convention, IPIC Treaty, Budapest Treaty. CBD, UPOV convention. WIPO, GATT, FAO, UNCTAD
WTO Framework and the TRIPs Agreement Unification of IP rights
Extension of protect able subject matter New forms of IPRs
Scope of Sui-generis systems
Role of Patent Cooperation Treaty
Science of Biotechnology, Genetic engineering and ICT.
Patentability criteria in Biotechnology/ICT inventions.
Distinction between discovery and innovation in Biotechnology
The Patent Act of India 1911 and the Indian Patent Act of 1970.
IP rights in India and progressive harmonization with international standards; Patent Amendment Act (2005)
Some case studies giving examples of patents and technology transfer, access and affordability of medicines in India.
Deliberations of the National Working Group on Patent laws
IPRs and technology transfer
Traditional knowledge, IPR and Benefit sharing
Indigenous knowledge and its appropriation
IPR & Traditional Medicine, Private vis-à-vis community based ownership, Biopiracy, Breeders vis-à-vis Farmers rights