Department News

A one day visit to DST- Science Park, Jaipur

A one day visit to DST- Science Park, Jaipur was organized on 12th August 2014, Tuesday by Department of Biotechnology for B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Biotechnology & Microbiology) students. It particularly focused on not only empowering our students with the most recent and current trends in the field of Biotechnology and microbiology but also with the basic principles and concepts involved in bio-physics, biochemistry and molecular Biology Students took keen interest in a turbo drive based vehicle, 5-D movie, Information technology park, Biomedical park etc. In This visit twenty students visited and they were accompanied by two faculty members from the same department. Over all it was a very learning experience and students were looking forward to more of this type of visits.



Guest lecture



Guest lecture on Bacterial Curli: An Excellent Model to Understand the Mechanism of Amyloid Formation by Dr. Neha Jain, Post doctoral Research Fellow,The Chapman Lab, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI was organised by the Dept. of Biotechnology on 8th Jan 2015.




  • A one day visit to Saras Dairy, Jaipur on 25th August 2015

A one day industrial visit to Saras Dairy, Jaipur was organized on 25th August 2015, Tuesday by Department of Biotechnology for B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Biotechnology & Microbiology) students. It particularly focused on not only empowering our students with the most recent and current trends in the field of Milk microbiology but also with the basic techniques and methods involved in processing and manufacturing of milk products.  As told to students, The Dairy plant handling capacity is 1.5 lakh ltrs. per day with the facilities to pack milk, ghee etc., Its main products are Ghee, Liquid Milk Srikhand, Paneer, Chhach. Etc. Students took keen interest in the visit. In This visit sixty students visited and they were accompanied by two faculty members from the same department. Over all it was a very learning experience and students were looking forward to more of this type of visits.



Guest lecture



A Guest lecture by Dr. Surendra Nimesh, UGC-Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Central University on "An introduction to bibliographic tools : Endnote" was organized by Department of Biotechnology on 19th September, 2015.  All the students and faculty of Sciences attended it. According to Dr. Surendra, now a day’s many tools are available on different websites which can be used for research studt. He talked about various types of BIBLIOGRAPHIC TOOLS. His lecture emphasized on how to use them in one’s research work. It was a knowledgeable and interesting lecture and students were highly motivated to work in this field.



Visit To Sewage Treatment Plant, Delawas on 20th  October 2015

The department of Biotechnology, IIS University recently organized an educational visit to Sewage Water Treatment Plant on 20th  October 2015 for the UG and PG students of Biotechnology and Microbiology.  The visit was organized on the initiative and guidance of Dr Sreemoyee Chatterjee and Dr Radhika Sharma. The students left the college for visit on 20 October at 10 am. The destination was ‘Sewage Treatment Plant’  Delawas a unit of JMC. The plant handles 62.5 MLD load of domestic sewage which is approx. 60-70% of the total load. At the plant, the students carefully studied and observed the complete process of sewage water treatment, functions of its components, and concept of ‘waste to energy’. Officials at STP guided the students regarding different aspects of treatment of sewage water and gave satisfactory answers to different questions raised by the students. The Plant is based on conventional activated sludge process with diffused aeration system. The sludge is handled in anaerobic digesters. Digested sludge is pumped to centrifuge unit where it is converted to semi solid form having consistency of 22% solids and is then used as manure.  The plant further reduces the quantity of bio-solids through an anaerobic treatment process. Here, in the absence of air, anaerobic bacteria digest the bio-solids, producing "biogas", a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. Methane is the main component of natural gas, and the biogas produced, can be burnt in an engine or turbine to produce power and generate electricity. In this way, anaerobic treatment can generate electrical energy which in turn powers the entire sewage treatment plant. The flexible technical configuration of the plant and the continuous availability of different wastewater and sludge compositions for experiments ensures, even on a small scale, the customization to new research tasks at any time. At last it can be concluded that, the visit was quite enlightening and enriched the knowledge of students and staff alike.





  • Visit To Sewage Treatment Plant, Delawas on 20th  October 2015

The department of Biotechnology, IIS University recently organized an educational visit to Sewage Water Treatment Plant on 20th  October 2015 for the UG and PG students of Biotechnology and Microbiology.  The visit was organized on the initiative and guidance of Dr Sreemoyee Chatterjee and Dr Radhika Sharma. The students left the college for visit on 20 October at 10 am. The destination was ‘Sewage Treatment Plant’  Delawas a unit of JMC. The plant handles 62.5 MLD load of domestic sewage which is approx. 60-70% of the total load. At the plant, the students carefully studied and observed the complete process of sewage water treatment, functions of its components, and concept of ‘waste to energy’. Officials at STP guided the students regarding different aspects of treatment of sewage water and gave satisfactory answers to different questions raised by the students. The Plant is based on conventional activated sludge process with diffused aeration system. The sludge is handled in anaerobic digesters. Digested sludge is pumped to centrifuge unit where it is converted to semi solid form having consistency of 22% solids and is then used as manure.  The plant further reduces the quantity of bio-solids through an anaerobic treatment process. Here, in the absence of air, anaerobic bacteria digest the bio-solids, producing "biogas", a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. Methane is the main component of natural gas, and the biogas produced, can be burnt in an engine or turbine to produce power and generate electricity. In this way, anaerobic treatment can generate electrical energy which in turn powers the entire sewage treatment plant. The flexible technical configuration of the plant and the continuous availability of different wastewater and sludge compositions for experiments ensures, even on a small scale, the customization to new research tasks at any time. At last it can be concluded that, the visit was quite enlightening and enriched the knowledge of students and staff alike.



·         Industrial  visit to Saras Dairy, Jaipur


Topic:          A one day visit to Saras Dairy, Jaipur

Date:                           21st August, 2019

Time:                          10.00 AM

Venue:                        Saras Dairy, Jaipur


A one day industrial visit to Saras Dairy, Jaipur was organized on 21st august, 2019, Wednesday by Department of Biotechnology for B.Sc. sem V(Biotechnology & Microbiology) students. It particularly focused on not only empowering our students with the most recent and current trends in the field of Milk microbiology but also with the basic techniques and methods  involved in processing and manufacturing of milk products.  As told to students, The Dairy plant handling capacity is 1.5 lakh ltrs. per day with the facilities to pack milk, ghee etc., Its main products are Ghee, Liquid and powdered Milk, Srikhand, Paneer, Chhach. etc. Students took keen interest in the visit.

In This visit 41 students visited and they were accompanied by two faculty members from the same department. Over all it was a very learning experience and students were looking forward to more of this type of visits.




Guest Lecture

SPEAKER:                Dr. M C Arunan, Kishore Bharti Fellow and Visiting Scientist, CUBE, HBSCE, TIFR, Mumbai

Topic:                      Science and Society”

Date:                           25th July, 2019

Time:                          1.30 PM

Venue:                        Aditya Hall

A Guest Lecture on “Science and Society” was delivered by Dr. M C Arunan, Kishore Bharti Fellow and Visiting Scientist, CUBE, HBSCE, TIFR, Mumbai. He talked about the ways of nurturing the young curative minds in he arena of science. He tried to define new domains of science in our daily life just by changing our perception. He quoted the saying ofDr. O Siddiqui “ Sophistication is in the mind so we don’t have to limit ourselves because of lack of resources.” He inspired the students by inciting the thought of raising questions and finding answers and utilizing right tools for analysis and right interpretation. Understanding science, classical scientific research and characteristics of research were briefly discussed by the concept of “Gully Cricket”. He wrapped the discussion with few examples to make students understand the role of science in society.


Guest Lecture

SPEAKER:    Mr. Avinash Dhar, Program Manager, Bionivid Technology Pvt. Ltd. 4th Cross 4C-209, Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore-560043, INDIA,

Topic:                      “Impact of genomics on everyday life

Date:                           4th February, 2020

Time:                          12.30 PM

Venue:                        Ojas Hall

A Guest Lecture on “Impact of genomics on everyday lifewas delivered by Mr. Avinash Dhar, Program Manager, Bionivid Technology Pvt. Ltd. 4th Cross 4C-209, Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore-560043, INDIA under Genomic awareness program for research scholars, post graduate and undergraduate students. He talked about Hands on training on RNA Sequence Analytics using OPEN SOURCE tools and commands (Raw data QC, Alignment/Assembly, Annotation, Differential Expression Analysis and Significant Biological Interpretations. He talked about bottleneck in this field. Since genomics is a data driven domain, more the data being generated, more is the manpower required to analyze the data. Close to 40 exabytes of the sequencing data is expected to be generated peryear by 2025. The lack of skilled manpower is proving out to be a big bottleneck in this opportunity abundant domain.

This lecture surely will help students in deep Understanding of Functional Genomics. It will also aid to the students and scientists who are planning to work on Next Generation Sequencing Based  research projects using RNA-Seq, ChIp- Seq, DNA-Seq, Amplicon Seq,etc.



  • Workshop on Basics of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology Techniques

26th -29th  February, 2020

Department of Science and Technology,

Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur


            The Department of Biotechnology (IIS deemed to be University, Jaipur, Rajasthan) organized a four day workshop (from 26th-29th February, 2020) on basics of Molecular Biology and Nano-biotechnology Techniques. This workshop covered myriads of basic and advanced techniques of Molecular Biology including DNA & Protein Isolation, Electrophoresis, PCR, Enzyme Kinetics, etc. The workshop even consisted of lectures from eminent academicians aiding the participants to brush up their minds and inculcate these learning in their future research work and career.

            The Day 1 of the workshop began with Inaugural Lecture of Dr. Gagan Dhawan, University of Delhi, who enlightened the minds of the students with his lecture on “Scope of Biotechnology, An Insight into Drug Discovery”. The ultimate result of  a research is related to the development of drugs or the products related to the betterment of mankind.

This lecture was followed by a lecture on “Introduction to applications of Plasmid in Research” by Dr. Uma Mittal, University of Delhi. The day was concluded with hands-on activities for Plasmid Transformation and Plasmid DNA Isolation by Alkaline Lysis method and its analysis

The Day 2 began with an eye-opening lecture on “Why biogenic metallic nanoparticles are more favorable?” by Dr. Surendra Nimesh, CURAJ, Ajmer. The increasing pollution levels and toxic effects of metal nanoparticles have called for an urgent need of green synthesis of nanoparticles using plants, bacterias, etc. This lecture was followed by hands-on for Biogenic Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and its analysis along with basic characterization of silver nanoparticles by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry.

The Day 3 concluded with a glance into the world of enzyme through an invited lecture by Dr. Nidhi Pareek, CURAJ, Ajmer. The lecture was followed by mind teasing exercise on Enzyme Kinetics and interpretation of the Michalis-Menten Equation.

The Day 4 gave an amazing experience to the participants as Dr. Gyanendra Shukla from CURAJ, Ajmer delivered his lecture on “Nucleic Acid Gel Electrophoresis and PCR”. This lecture was followed by hands-on for PCR reaction set up.

The participants from various departments and institutes were able to learn and perform a number of complicated yet basic techniques by the end of this workshop and even learnt various new concepts of molecular biology and biotechnology which will guide them through their journey of higher studies

